


輸出入販売・卸販売 貿易代行サポート

イタリア RISOLI社と提携 RISOLI社Dr.Green®シリーズを独占販売、卸店販売しております。ドイツFOX SHIELD®社と提携しファイヤーブランケットの独占卸販売を行っております イタリアワインの貿易代行サポートを行っております。

Human Innovation’s Global Business

Human Innovations current operations consist of discovering commodities from foreign countries and selling the products in Japan. We contract exclusively with our partners, support exhibitions and overseas transactions. We support inspections of global exhibitions. Interested parties can apply for us to inspect factories and make contracts. (Those are available in English, Italian, and German)

Capitalize sales and Trade agency support

We have an exclusive contract with the Italian company RISOLI to sell their product series D. Green. In the wine industry, we assist in selling imported Italian wine in Japan. We consult with the wineries to enable them to contract with restaurants and shops in Japan to sell their products. We also have an exclusive contract with the German company FOX SHIELD to sell their product Fire Blanket. Inquiries about new products from Europe and other countries are welcome.